Monday, February 11, 2008

or maybe we can read surah 31:18?

I'm so tired of traveling, I'm actually thankful to finally be in Williamsburg, even though I'm not really feeling welcome in the larger community given the current Nichol situation. Thanks Carling for sharing your anger and frustrations, I feel the same way. I dont know what will happen to all the progress we've made if he leaves, I hope we dont have to know anytime soon. I plan on coming back post graduation to visit because I'll still have connections, but if Nichol isn't here, if he's replaced with someone who completely abandons his diversity initiatives, if we lose the support of the multicultural community/students/faculty, will it be worth visiting again? What, if anything, will be left of our legacy? I stand aligned with those dedicated to ensuring that these questions remain purely hypothetical.

On a more political note, I hate all the candidates. I wish for the day when American politics addressed my concerns. But not enough to want to get involved in the dirty game of it all. Why do I feel like I can watch CNN all day and learn nothing? I hope AmericaDecides better news programming 2008.

Watch this clip, it embodies all that I hate right now:

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