Monday, January 28, 2008

i think my final count was 27? does bobby count?

I'm grateful for this class because I'm forced to engage in a history and culture that has always fascinated me. It's also refreshing to know more than just the political history of a region, which is what I usually focus on in most my classes, classes that seem to be filled with people who look exactly the same. I'm so bored of that 'ticky tacky' personality. I must admit that I looked around the class on the first day and could not believe that (1) white people were in the minority and (2) that I had just counted all the brown people in class. Which is what I expected of this class, I like that I know what to expect from Francis, but not really.

Im excited to have another Francis class. This is the third one for me. I feel like a veteran, you know, ala Coral in Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Gauntlet III. I could actually probably write a close and in depth analysis drawing parallels between mine and Coral's respective histories (me with Francis and Coral with mtvshows). Although that would be illuminating, as I do watch incredible amounts of trash TV and find myself relating to it (and deconstructing it), it would also be uninteresting and harrowing to say the least. Maybe some other time...

I just read everyones blog updates and I really hope everyone wears nametags tomorrow because I wanna match these thoughts/feelings/images with their owners.

So in the spirit of TV and racial awareness, you guys should watch this. I love youtube, it takes television to a different level.

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